My girl

July 29, 2008 at 3:19 pm (My family)

Look how grown up she is!

 I swear she was a baby the last time I turned around!!! And then all of a sudden…. BOOM! She’s 10! A young lady, brimming with sophistication and grace, giving her nutritious sandwich uncertain looks.

Wasn’t too long ago that I was looking at scenes like this:

Now I imagine she’ll be too ladylike and grown up for such frivolities. Her time will be eaten up with glitter, cotton-candy body spray, and Hannah Montana

I’ll be looking back on pictures like this ^^^^^^^

Pictures from a time when she tolerated her little brother, nay, genuinely liked her little brother, and had time to goof off in the pool. 

Now, however, now she is 10. Growing up and doing her own thing, chilling with her friends, yowling along with her iPod and beating PS2 games with the skill of a pro. 

Stinkerbelle… stop growing up so fast! There’s no rush!

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